If there is a part of the body which is observable and very appealing when toned properly, it is the arms. This is why many body builders wish to perfect all the arms trainings and they are running up and about around gyms to get the best place for successful body building. The arms need several exercises to get through bulking up and proper toning. These exercises are best done and successful toning gained when a good program of exercises is adhered to.
The overhead extensions are some of the most common exercises which need a clear workout and a proper plan. It is done through ensuring that there is a whole movement of the arms muscles and the joints. While doing the exercise, stand up or you can even sit down on a chair while holding a dumbbell or a barbell over the head. This must be done slowly and well controlled to avoid any form of injuries. Then lower the head down and ensure that, the elbows are kept close to the head. After lowering the respective bar it is time to start over again and brick the arms back to their position. The whole routine contracts all the triceps, and helps to maximize development through repeating all the movement.