How to Quit Masturbating - The 5 Major Reasons You Keep Masturbating

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Learning how to quit masturbating can be courageous because you are facing something that most people are scared to. I know how frustrating it can be when you have something in your life that you feel you can't be open about. Sexual occurrences are rarely discussed openly so it happens to be that many people avoid talking about them when they need to. In many of these instances the emotional pain gets worse but you are not alone! You can free your life again and here are some major strategies that will help.

Below are the top major reasons you keep getting drawn back in with insights below to help you finally learn how to quit masturbating and live the life you choose.
#1. You always count on being tougher without doing anything different!
How many times have you thought briefly about learning to quit masturbating just to later forget about the topic and justify procrastination? To overcome something addicting like learning how to quit masturbating, you must get creative, think about what's going on and decide what new plan you can utilize.
#2. You haven't viewed your addiction to masturbation as a life issue and self fulfillment issue.
Does this sound a little extreme? It's actually a great secret to overcoming all types of addictions. Learning how to quit masturbating becomes much more achievable if your life is in harmony and balance with your dreams and potential. Find out what you want to do in life. Write down what you want to be known for physically, socially, financially, artistically etc? Fill your life with these ambitions and schedule them in your week. The more balance you have, the less you'll care about masturbating.
#3. You haven't addressed the need to view pornography in advance first!
Learning how to quit masturbating means you must work on your state of mind regarding pornography first! This is like draining the gasoline out of an semi truck to get it to stop instead of standing in front of it. Pornography and the addiction to sexual images replayed in the mind must be overcome before anyone stands a chance of quitting masturbation. Separate these two issues but hit cut down on pornography first.
#4. You haven't taken your addiction seriously!
Learning how to quit masturbating is not a little feat so you shouldn't view it as one. The need to have sexual intercourse is ingrained in you as a human being. This urge is second only to survival! To overcome an addiction like this in a world where pornography is everywhere you must take it seriously, stop being so hard on yourself and get real help. Do not try to do it alone.
#5. You haven't taken some sort of committed action to build momentum off of.
Even if it's small, there's nothing like taking real action! Doing this gives you real momentum. You might want to contact an addiction therapist or invest in a small masturbation recovery program. Do something that will let your mind know that you are on it and you are doing something about it! There is nothing like doing this!
I've located a program at that is centered around the addictions to both pornography and masturbation. There are some excellent testimonials on this so if you are interested in using this as your action step, I think it would be an excellent one!
Good luck with your new life! This is a great turning point. You will learn how to quit masturbating as long as you keep learning and keep taking action.