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Paul Walker Workout and Diet

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What you need to know

Paul Walker Workout routine and Diet plan
Paul Walker fitness secret training exercises Fast and Furious 6

Paul Walker Workout and Diet. Paul Walker was born on September 12, 1973 is an American actor. He is best known for his roles in The Fast and the FuriousFast Five2 Fast 2 FuriousFast and Furious, and his latest filmFast and Furious 6 releasing on May 24, 2013 starringDwayne Johnson and Vin Diesel. He bulked up to play the role of a football jock in Varsity Blues by lifting weights hard, eating big, and supplementing properly with creatine. He beefed up to a 205 lb. frame rather quickly, but then he realized
that the big frame slowed him down in endurance. That's why you noticed him smaller, but leaner in Fast and the Furious next to a well-built solid physique in Vin Diesel. Walker was only 180 pounds then, so in reality he lost 25 lbs. of muscle. Let us look at her fitness training.

Height: 6' 2"
Weight: 86 kg (189 pounds)
Chest:  39-40
Biceps: 14

Workout and Fitness Equipments

Day 1:
  • Bench press – 3 sets x 10 reps
  • Incline press – 3 sets x 12 reps
  • Dumbbell flyes – 3 sets x 15 reps
  • Shoulder dumbbell press – 3 sets x 10 reps
  • Push ups – 3 sets till failure
  • Triceps push down – 3 sets x 10 reps

Day 3:

  • Leg press – 3 sets x 10 reps
  • Lunges – 3 x 12 reps per leg
  • Jumping squats – 3 x 20 reps
  • Romanian dead-lift – 3 x 5 reps
  • Standing calf raise – 3 x 15 reps
  • Seated calf raise – 3 x 15 reps

Day 5:

  • High pull – 3 sets x 5 reps
  • Chin ups – 3 sets x failure
  • Dumbbell swings – 3 sets x 25 reps per arm
  • Dumbbell snatch – 3 sets x 12 reps per arm
  • 30 minutes of cardio moderately paced cardio

Diet and Supplements

Paul's diet consists mainly veggies, nuts, and meats. He avoids high glycemic carbohydrates, staying away from refined carbohydrates, white grains and salt as well. He also eats red meat and fish. You can’t out train a bad diet. Which means it is easier to eat the right foods and not try to compensate your excessive food consumption with exercise. For Supplements he includes quality protein powder, some fish oil, and possibly a high quality multivitamin to cover any potential vitamin or mineral deficiencies in the body.

Tips To Get Amazing Legs For Women

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exercises for legsWomen want toned slim legs. I think that I can say that is a true statement for 99.99% of women. Even if our legs already look great we always want to try and get better. So with all the exercises and myths out what are the best ways to get the perfect pair of legs?

1. Do not be choosey with fat. Unfortunately you can not pick where you want fat to disappear from. It is impossible to say you want to lose weight just in the thighs and keep the rest of your body the same. When you lose weight your body will decide. So keep in mind that when you are getting your legs into shape not only do you need to do exercises designed for the legs but it will be highly beneficial to do workouts that challenge the other major muscle groups in the body.
2. Good bye to machines. While the squat machine and the other leg machines are better then nothing, they are not going to provide the most obvious results for getting the most beautiful legs. These machines are called single joint exercises and target only specific muscles. To get the most out of a workout do exercises that utilize not only the large muscle but also assisting muscle groups and possibly even other parts of the body. These are referred to as multi-joint exercises and examples include: squats, lunges (while doing bicep curls), power jumps, power squats, etc.
3. Choose cardio wisely. Cardio is an important part of a workout but make sure you do the cardio accordingly. If you are wanted to gain some leg definition A.K.A. muscle keep cardio workouts to a minimal. Do not exceed 25 minutes because after this your body will start to break down the hard earned muscle. Also stick to routines that are going to really use your leg muscles. One great form is the stair stepper. Or try doing interval training on inclines.
exercises for legs for women4. Eat all the right things. With any type of fitness, exercise and nutrition go hand in hand. If you are serious about looking great it is vital to eat a balanced healthy diet high in protein and whole-wheat carbs, but low in fats and sugars. Say good-bye to cokes and processed sugars. I would even suggest taking out diet sodas or at least minimizing them. Stick to water. No only will you feel hydrated but your energy will sore and you will also feel fuller longer. YAY.

5. Do not let a little rain or clouds keep you from the gym. The gym should be as much a priority as your business meeting. Schedule a time on your calender when you know it is time to hit the weights. Getting a great body takes work and work means hitting the gym on a regular basis. It does not matter the time of day for maximal benefits, it only matters that you go. Keep your gym shoes by the front door or lay out your workout clothes the day before so you know you should go.
Dying to wear that little skirt for New Years or the little black dress for the company Christmas party? Women wanting toned legs only have to take the leap to get serious. With the workouts do 3 sets of 10-13 reps per exercise. And use a weight that makes you feel a little burn. This is your workout and women should never be afraid to push themselves!
Taylor Ryan is a personal trainer dedicated to educating women to get the best body they can get. Her company TotalTonedWomensClub stresses the importance of weight training as a method to get the toned and strong body they want. 

By Taylor Ryan

Top Tips on Bodybuilding Books - What You Need to Know

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Bodybuilding books have real value to them if you find the right ones. You can take them everywhere with you and they can be great companions on your journey towards building the body of your dreams.

This article will be about what to look for in bodybuilding books as there are many books offering no real value. I have fallen intro a lot traps with marketing hype about bodybuilding books and with the result of me being disappointed and having spend money that could have been used elsewhere.
Bodybuilding Books - Tips on What to Look For
-Tip #1:
The first tip is to look for the author. Does the author have a nice physique, has he or she made the changes themselves or are they just giving advice from what they have read.

-Tip #2:
Is there a workout plan with a daily schedule on what to train on each day and does it include a plan for cutting, building mass or some combination of those.
-Tip #3:
Is there a nutrition plan explaining what to eat and what the purpose of the different foods are. And does it explain how you can combine the different foods. And it should also include a plan for building mass and a plan for losing fat and/or weight.
-Tip #4:
Does it include a how-to plan? A how-to plan is how you perform each exercise. It is very important that you work on your exercises efficiently as you want to gain as much from them as possible and squeeze as much muscle out as possible.
When you know how to work on each exercise you will avoid injuries and thereby not slow down your process on building muscle.
-Tip #5:
Is there a supplement plan on what supplements are beneficial for muscle growth. Supplements has a lot of benefits if you use the right ones and can make a change in how you perform your exercises, your energy level and how well you recover from the workouts, just to name a few.
-Tip #6:
Does the bodybuilding books you are looking at include any general tips on how to build muscle and general facts about bodybuilding. The good bodybuilding books are like your personal coach who you can ask any questions to.
Bodybuilding Books - Don't get scammed
-Tip #7:
Do the bodybuilding books you are looking at have any reviews and are there any people who have gotten results by using the tips in the books. This is a great way to separate marketing scams from real value.
These are just some of the tips you should have in the back of your head when looking for bodybuilding books or any books for that matter. Don't be scared by the tips, but rather congratulate yourself on having taken a decision to change your body because that alone is a huge step.
If you follow the above tips on bodybuilding books you will avoid falling into scams like I did when I started out. Look for bodybuilding books that you have a good feeling about and start your muscle building journey with a BANG!
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Secrets to Building a Huge Muscular Back

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A well developed physique demands much more than full arms and a vascular chest. A physique to die for demands a wide, full and powerful well defined back. It is very evident that many people have actually ignored this for reasons that may include:
  • The back is not very noticeable compared to the arms and chest +training the back is not very amusing as it is extremely tiresome and the body requires longer recovery time. +many do not realise how crucial working out these muscles is, as in they do not realise that more than 65% of the upper body muscles are based in the back area.

  • An impressive back is made up of well rounded, almost exploding lats and wide outstanding trapezius muscles.
  • To achieve such a back, there are several exercises one needs to take up as part of your normal regimen.

The Deadlifts - It is hard to over emphasis the effectiveness of this exercises. The one that stands out from the rest of the deadlifts is the barbell deadlift of the bent legged form. This deadlift exercise is known to work the muscles of the body from the fingers all the way to neck and through the whole body upto the toes. Deadlifts are also unmatched in the creation of the required strong back muscles. The back experiences growth like no other and thus, this work out exercise should be in one's main training program. We can employ a set of 2 containing 6 reps.
The Vertical Pull - this movement is mainly meant to develop the lat muscles. The end result is a widened, v shape look when observed from the behind. Vertical pull exercises include: the lat pull downs, the chin ups which may be either of the overhand or the underhand form and the v bar pulldowns. The overhand chin up is the most recommended method as it has bettter results compared to the others. Here we may have a set of 2 containing 6 reps
The Horizontal Pull - this method is also better known as the rows. These horizontal movements are aimed at working the upper middle sections of the back and also benefit the lats. There are numerous types of these rows. The most common are the dumbell rows, the bent over barbell rows, the seated machine rows and the cable rows and so many more. The barbell/dumbbell bent over rows are the most used methods as they involve free weights. The sets and reps are similar to the ones above.
The Shruggs - this method is not as common as the above methods yet it is used to develop the upper traps. This movement comes in the form of either the barbell or the dumbbell shrug. We can employ 2 sets of 11 reps.
One should include several exercises which will enable him or her to reach the maximum weight for every regimen. It is considered wise to take down daily details of the exercise to see whether one is making any improvements or not.
Dane Fletcher is the world's most prolific bodybuilding and fitness expert and is currently the executive editor for If you are looking for more bodybuilding tips or information on weight training, or supplementation, please visit, the bodybuilding and fitness authority site with hundreds of articles available FREE to help you meet your goals.

Why Do Men Get Gynecomastia?

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Gynecomastia in men is a benign disease that presents as an enlargement of breast tissue. Though typically benign, it can be embarrassing, especially for adolescents. It should not be confused with pseudogynecomastia, which is comprised of fatty tissue in the chest.

In young boys, prior to attaining puberty, causation of gynecomastia is hard to determine. Over 90% of all prepubescent breast enlargements are idiopathic with no known cause.  In the remaining 10%, there appears to be either an underlying serious health issue.
The NIEHS (National Institute of Environmental Health) conducted tests of products containing tea tree and lavender oil essences due to a study of three cases of prepubescent gynecomastia. The results indicated that these oils have the same effect as increased estrogen levels often associated with gynecomastia in men. They therefore recommend not using lavender or tea tree oil based products on young boys.
Pubertal gynecomastia is common in males attaining puberty.  During the adolescent years, hormones like estrogen and testosterone fluctuate.  During this pubescent period of fluctuating hormones, close to half of all adolescent males will have symptoms similar to gynecomastia in men. Once through the years of puberty and entering adulthood, all symptoms of breast enlargement should dissipate.
Most cases of gynecomastia in men are caused by a failure of the system to normalize after pubertal enlargement of the breast tissue. Nearly a quarter of all reported cases arise as a side effect caused by medication, illegal drug use or chronic medical condition. Only 25% of gynecomastia cases have an unknown origin, with very few patients have an underlying diagnosis of breast cancer.
Adult presentations of enlarged breast tissues are typically due to imbalanced hormone levels, with high levels of estrogen. If the causation is attributable to drugs or medication usage, refraining from illegal drug use or changes in prescribed medication will usually deter the symptoms of gynecomastia in men. Many medications currently prescribed for older men and many illegal substances, such as anabolic steroids, will exacerbate the condition.
Gynecomastia in men can also be attributable to chronic diseases, benign and cancerous tumors, castration and genetic mutations. The genetic mutation where a double X chromosome is present, known as Klinefelter Syndrome, can cause the increased estrogen levels that result in enlarged breasts. In cases where chronic diseases have attributed to the condition, once treated the gynecomastia symptoms should improve or disappear entirely.

Many men and adolescent boys view gynecomastia in men as an emotional and embarrassing issue. This often results in them "hiding" the problem, instead of seeking medical advice. To eliminate any possibility of cancer or identify an underlying medical cause, a clinical exam is necessary. If the breast tissue is sore or tender, this is extremely important to rule out any other diagnosis.
For more information on how to Get Rid Of Man Boobs please visit
In order to determine your best course of action on how to get rid of your man boobs you must determine which condition you have, Gynecomastia or Pseudogynecomastia.
You can get a Free Report that helps you determine what condition you have by signing up for the Free Man Boobs Solutions Newsletter on our home page.

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Why Do Our Muscles Get Sore After Training?

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When you're young and active you tend to do more physical activities which you consider as exercise. An exercise as advised by many health specialists is a good way of keeping your body healthy. There are many ways to do exercise. Back at home, just by doing the household chores you are already exercising. If you're an athlete, then working out is you're type of exercise. And when you're through with it after a day or two you will feel a slight pain which is normal. Do you ever think why you feel painfully sensitive after every work out? Here are some of the possible reasons that will tell you why:

  • Your body experienced physical stress placed on your muscles.
  • Your muscles are trying to adapt to a new routine.
  • Too much stretching causes more harm than good.
  • Muscle pain is caused by DOMS or delayed onset muscle soreness.

  • DOMS is often caused by exercise or by any physical activity that you're not used to. For example, you've tried cycling for the first time in your life and you've spent like two to three hours. After a day, you experience some kind of ache all over your body. This is due to the muscles that worked hard at a microscopic level which damaged the micro tears. So these micro tears need some repairing and during this damage and repairing stage that causes the inflammation in muscles. Your muscle is starting to rebuild itself by creating new muscles that are bigger and stronger than before. And when you're at rest that is the best time when your muscles are growing. DOMS is entirely different from the pain you feel during a workout and from an injury. It is an indication of a productive activity which means you've worked hard enough to break down muscle tissue where you gain new muscle growth.
    There are some ways that you can use as a treatment to your aching muscles. And these are the following:
    1. Take anti inflammatory medications and antioxidants.
    2. Ice can be used for the purpose of temporary relief.
    3. Proper warm up before an exercise can reduce muscle soreness.
    4. Application of heat remedies to the skin helps increase blood flow and even heals the small tears resulting in less soreness.
    5. Cooling down after some exercises such as walking or light cardio can help ease the pain.
    6. Yoga is an effective way of reducing DOMS.
    If you're trying to be more active with new routines then expect that soreness is something to return every now and then. You don't need to push yourself too much with all of the intense activities. A regular workout of at least three times a week will do. Also, muscle soreness is not an indication of a good workout so there is no need to worry about it after every training.
    Hi. I'm Karen. Ever since my friend introduced me to osteopathy, I've been a huge fan. My osteopath gets me back on track when needed. Ever since I've delved further into understanding the body and how to get the best from it.